List Shared Folders Permissions in PowerShell

In some cases, such as file server migration, you may want to output a list of paths and permissions for Windows Shared Folders.This article introduces how to check them with Powershell.
*In general, access control is set to Everyone/Full control in the Shared Folder Permissions, is often finely controlled by NTFS Permissions.

Check Shared Folder Paths

The path to the shared folder can be found with Get-SmbShare.

1PS C:\> Get-SmbShare
3Name   ScopeName Path       Description
4----   --------- ----       -----------
5ADMIN$ *         C:\WINDOWS Remote Admin
6C$     *         C:\        Default share
7IPC$   *                    Remote IPC
8Share  *         D:\Share
9Share2 *         D:\Share2

Use the -Special $false option to hide Admin share and IPC$ share.

1PS C:\> Get-SmbShare -Special $false
3Name   ScopeName Path      Description
4----   --------- ----      -----------
5Share  *         D:\Share
6Share2 *         D:\Share2

List Shared Folders Permissions

Use Get-SmbShare and Get-SmbShareAccess to list Shared Folder Permissions.

1PS C:\> Get-SmbShare -Special $false | ForEach-Object { Get-SmbShareAccess $_.Name }
3Name   ScopeName AccountName AccessControlType AccessRight
4----   --------- ----------- ----------------- -----------
5Share  *         Everyone    Allow             Full
6Share2 *         Everyone    Allow             Full


If you have many shared folders on your file server, you can easily check them with the commands presented here.
