Configuring WinHTTP Proxy with Group Policy

In the previous article, I introduced how to implement the configuration of the system proxy (WinHTTP Proxy) with commands.
This article introduces how to deploy WinHTTP Proxy settings via group policy.

Location of WinHTTP Proxy settings

WinHTTP Proxy settings are stored in the registry as binary values. The settings in the registry are as follows.


Key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections

As you can see from the Registry Editor, the values are stored as binary (type REG_BINARY).


Configuration with Group Policy

First, configure WinHTTP Proxy on the terminal where you want to run the "Group Policy Management" tool. Please refer to the previous article for the configuration.

After configuring WinHTTP Proxy, run the "Group Policy Management" tool to create a Group Policy object. Edit the registry entries of the created object.
The settings in the registry are as follows.


Computer Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Registry

Right-click on Registry and click New -> Registry Item.


Click the "..." button next to Key Path.

New Registry Properties

When the Registry Item Browser opens, select WinHTTPSettings and click Select.

Registry Item Browser

Click OK when the WinHTTP Proxy settings configured in the first command are reflected.

New Registry Properties

Registry entries in WinHttpSettings are reflected in the Group Policy object.


Applicable to target OUs

The group policy is ready. Link the group policy to any OU and verify that the settings are reflected.
