How to check your Windows version


This article introduces how to check your Windows edition, version, and OS build.

When checking on the actual machine

Confirmation with winver command

Press Windows key + R and you will see a Run at the bottom left of your desktop.
Enter winver in Open and click OK.


The About Windows will appear. You can check the edition, version, and OS build.

About Windows

Confirmation with PowerShell

To check with PowerShell, run the following cmdlet.

1Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object OsName, OsVersion, OsBuildNumber

To check by contacting Domain Controller

Terminals belonging to a Active Directory Domain can be checked by contacting a Domain Controller. Therefore, you can also check the version of the terminal in the remote location.
To query a Domain Controller, run either of the following cmdlets.

1Get-ADComputer <hostname> -Properties OperatingSystem, OperatingSystemVersion
3Get-ADComputer <hostname> -Properties * | Select-Object OperatingSystem, OperatingSystemVersion

With these cmdlets, you can check the Windows edition and OS build. To confirm your version, look for the matching OS build in the release information below and check.
